Sunday 16 January 2011

The News...

So now that we have got into the full swing of things some news for some of the upcoming movies that we should be looking forward to.

47 Ronin-

Starring Keanu Reeves, to be shot in 3D and will be out by 2012. The film focuses on the true story of the 47 Ronin who upon their masters murder, pledge to avenge him. The film is set in feudal Japan around the 1700's, focusing on the Samurai (one of my all time favourite cultures). For those movie aficionado's out there, you will remember the story being briefly told in the 1998 action thriller Ronin (no relation to this film) starring Robert De Niro.


Finally we get a classic bible tale remade. It is remarkable how many great stories there are in the bible which could be adapted for the big screen. And this is one of them. Goliath will focus on the the title character more than David, however it will ultimately build up to the legendary showdown. No cast announcements yet but watch this space. Truly a tale of Biblical proportions.


The new re-booted version will hit theatres summer 2012, with up and coming British actor Andrew Garfield playing the title charter. Garfield has recently been seen in The Social Network opposite Jesse Eisenberg... with Spiderman under his belt he is destined for super-stardom come 2012.

Check out the first image of Garfield as Spidey on the right.

more news soon...

Thou shalt have the knowledge...


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