Monday 17 January 2011

The News...

Some exciting news now Sci-fi and movie- lovers alike. Ridley (superstar/visionary) Scott has announced plans to begin shooting his long awaited Alien prequel. It won't feature Ripley as the leading character, she of course comes face to face with the Extra-Terrestrial nasty in Alien. It will, however, feature a female lead- in the shape and form of Noomi Rapace who stars in movies based on Stieg Larsson's best selling Millennium trilogy books, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl who kicked the Hornets Nest. The third movie will surely feature Noomi too.

The movie is described as a Sci-fi epic whilst not being a straight up Alien movie and details of the script are being kept very close to the chest just yet. Here's what the man himself Scott had to say:

"While 'Alien' was indeed the jumping off point for this project, out of the creative process evolved a new, grand mythology and universe in which this original story takes place. The keen fan will recognize strands of 'Alien's' DNA, so to speak, but the ideas tackled in this film are unique, large and provocative. I couldn't be more pleased to have found the singular tale I'd been searching for, and finally return to this genre that's so close to my heart."

Highly exciting stuff! Lets just hope Ridley has not lost his touch for Sci-fi class. At least we can expect a progressive change from the dire "Alien Vs Predator" movies.

Stay posted for further movie and cast details

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