Monday 17 January 2011

Upcoming Movies in 2011

So we are into a new year, which means there is a whole new bunch of movies to look forward to (or at least mention).

So here is a brief list of the movies that you can expect to either win praise or make a killing at the box office... Let the 3D frenzy begin!

Superhero movies

Over the last few years or so , we have had an array of superhero movies shoved down our throats, most of which were pretty rubbish. From mutants, to web-slingers, to metallic suit wearing billionaires, superhero movies mean big money- which is why we cannot ignore probably the biggest onslaught of spandex wearing protagonists ever this year.

1. Thor

The year kicks off with the Thunder God himself, cast out of Asgard and demoted to earth (yeah, apparently earth is that bad). Newcomer Chris Hemsworth plays hammer-wielding Thor with a cast rounded out by Natalie Portman, Sam Jackson and Anthony Hopkins playing God of God's, Odin. The trailer looks OK with promises of big effects and lots of action.

2. Green Lantern

With Marvel being the overall residing force this summer, DC comics needed a movie to still show us that they are in the game this year. With Batman and Superman currently in development for next year DC are presenting us with Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds as the cocky test pilot commissioned by a group of aliens from around the universe to join the fraternity of intergalactic crime fighters. With the power of his ring he becomes the Green Lantern- queue set pieces galore and loads of CGI. Oh and expect an overload of exhausting humor from Reynolds.

3. Captain America

Marvels First Avenger stars Chris Evans as the patriotic super soldier who battles Nazis and kicks a whole host of evil war-mongering butt, all in the name of the stars and stripes. Oooh Raa! Joe Johnston directs, with Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell and Tommy-Lee Jones co-starring.

4. X Men Origins: The First Class

We go back to the origin of X-Men's this August with stories of Professor X and Magneto in their younger days- played by James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. The movie will surely be filled with family friendly action and psychic beatings for all the baddies!

5. Cowboys and Aliens

Daniel Craig leads leads a starry cast playing a cowboy who has lost his memory and has some weired contraption attached to his wrist. Descending upon an oppressed town ruled by iron-fisted Harrison Ford, they quickly have to settle their differences and unite to take on a common enemy- Aliens! Sounds a bit silly but looks quite good, as well as being directed by John "Iron Man" Favreau. That man loves his comics.

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